Friday 17 January 2014

video!!! omg!!! spider!

hey guys! this is our group video, which based on the topic of spider. 
you can directly watch it from our blog, also can search it on the youtube, the title is: ISYS100 sp1der
thanks for all the person.
please have fun, and enjoy the video

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Spider Type 13=== Funnel-webs spider

This is called the Funnel-webs spider that has the scary reputation and the size of this spider is about 1.5 centimeters to 3.5 centimeters. It is a dark spider and its abdomen has dark brown color at the end. When this spider is threatened. it immediately turns to a ambitious attitude and behavior as well as its impressive fangs. The funnel-webs spider always exists at forests as well as urban area.


Spider Type 12====Red-back spider

This spider is called the red-back spider which is one of the ten most dangerous spiders in the world. it's a extremely venomous smart spider in Australia. The length of this spider is different as the body of females is ten millimeter long while male is only 3 millimeter long. These red-back spiders usually live in a warm area. The red-back spider is extremely dangerous and can be possibly and seriously harm humans. 


Spider Type 11====Chilean Rose

Chilean Rose

Chilean Rose has less demand on the environment. it is high adaptable, docile temperament, easy to be feed, and body are seduced to people, it is one of the most popular pet spider. The total length of of chilean rose is 7-8cm, total length of 10-15cm. Its body covered with dark red hair, especially the top of the head and chest, showing a dark purple, which is quite attractive. It grew slowly, they are strong ground-living spiders, do not like to climb high. Most of the time it is not going to do the digging caves, pet owners need to provide a hidden cave for them. At the daytime they love to hide in dark tree holes or under stones habitat. They prefer to walk around at night, and be a little more active

  reference: chilean rose

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Spider Type 10====China tarantula

China tarantula is a huge tarantula. Its legs span up to 8 inches. A lot of research was done for this huge spider venom.
It is a kind of aggressive creatures and it can use small doses to poison small mammals. This spider found in Southeast Asia, and there have been cases of infant mortality. Only 0.70mg doses can lead to a 50% mortality of mice.


Spider Type 9====Loxosceles reclusa

Loxosceles reclusa and its sister species in Chile are very poisonous spider. But on the positive side for human. they have a tiny fangs and it is difficult to pierce clothing. They also named the hermit, their will not have a lot of bites because they love hidden. The most dangerous symptom after been bite is bone necrosis in tissue , and the wound may be extended to 10 inches and began to rot. Chile hidden spider are more toxic, some systemic infections even lead to kidney failure. One study showed that deaths in Chile accounted for 3% -4% of all bites, its median lethal dose of 1.45mg/kg, so it is obvious that it is a need to avoid spider


Spider Type 8====Atrax Robustus

Atrax Robustus is one of the most poisonous spider species in the world. They have huge fangs and they will inject all the venom when they bite. They are more likely to attack rather than flee,also they will bite several times in a row.

Atrax Robustus venom is very dangerous for all primates, of course, including humans. A child will die within 15 minutes when he getten bite, but it was just a case before the advent of antivenom. 


Monday 13 January 2014

Spider Type 7====Wandering spider


In 2010, the Brazilian Wandering spider become the most toxic spider of the world and being included in the Guinness Book of World Records. This spider is also aggressive, it is more likely to be bite. Its venom has a potent neurotoxin that may cause respiratory problems, then suffocate and die. Another effect of the venom is priapism, an erection can mean a long time, several hours to several days. Its venom can also cause permanent impotence. However, this study is being used to cure venom sexual disorders. 6 micrograms of venom injected can kill a 20 g weight of mice, and its venom reached a total weight of 1.069 mg. 

Spider Type 6====Peacock Spider

Peacock Spider is also a jumping spider, their size is very small, the size of body is not more than 0.2 inches (about 5 mm). This spider like tease generally live in the central region of Australia. It will be like a peacock, like the opening screen, with relatively similar characteristics peacock, also have this beautiful male "screen", and only during the mating courtship screen will open. Because it is difficult to look small to the naked eye opening screen, it needs amplification tool for the job.

Male peacock spiders tend to use their bright colors and stripes to attract the opposite sex, to find a girlfriend. In order to be able to find the object mating, the male peacock spider will be deliberately in front of the female spider scratch the Nongzi, show its beautiful belly, and continue to swing around.

This spider like tease generally grown in the state of New South Wales and Queensland in Australia.



Sunday 12 January 2014

Spider Type 5====balck widow


The balck widow is established in Southern California in early  2000. The back of a brown widow consists of a combination color of coffee and black marks. It has eight legs with color of yellow and black. The brown Widow is displaced black widow spiders which danger to people can be decreased due to the bites of brown widow spider is less toxic than those native western black widow spiders.

Spider Type 4====Tarantulas

In South America there is a huge spider, they can grow as big as a duck, the wire is thick and prison, so they can make webs between tree and tree, the nets are often used to catch birds. Tarantula spider is the "giant" among spider, it normally equivalent to the size of a fist( 5-15 cm ) , while four-legged Outreach body width up to 25-30 cm, the largest tarantula body length up to 25 cm long. 

Tarantulas are one of the most clever hunter. It has the unique ability to spray silk net, in the branches woven mesh with strong stickiness, once the birds, frogs, lizards, scorpions and other insects are stuck in the network, they will surely become the food of Tarantulas.


Tarantulas are generally more active at night, hiding in between nests or near the roots network during the day, once a prey are caught, it quickly climbed over, grab the prey, poison their prey for food. Since it is very aggressive, it is necessary for human to watch out. Tarantula spider weaving able to withstand the weight of 300 grams. In 1975, Mexico had discovered that a few branches of a tree was covered by a huge and layers of cobweb, the biggest net were 18.3-meter-high and covered 3/4 tree branches.

Saturday 11 January 2014

Spider Type 3====black house spider

This spider is called the black house spider.The main color of this spider is black, its abdomen has some markings on it . Females grow longer in size than male , as males grows only 8 to 10mm in size, but female grows 17 to 20mm in size. The appearance of this spider sometimes gets confused with venomous funnel-web spider as which the black house spider make up its web usually very high.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Spider Tyep 2====Hunter Spider

There is a territory of Australia, the world's largest spider. Large multiple of about half a catty, have eight legs, looks ugly, but it is capturing mosquitoes players, who dared to commit mosquitoes were no survivors, with hunter-like skills. Meanwhile, the hunter spider contains a lot of protein, is indigenous excellent cuisine.

Spider Type 1====Long-fanged six-eyed spiders

This spider is called Long-fanged six-eyed spiders as they got six eyes and is a sinister looking spider with two enormous fangs. These kinds of spiders always spend their day time under the stone which is especially warmed stone shining by sun. She is aggressive and will defend herself very quickly. Her bite can be annoying like the prick of needle.


Wednesday 8 January 2014


There are many spider predators around the world. Toads, frogs, lizards, centipedes, bees, birds, spiders are predatory, parasitic wasps and some parasitic eggs in the spider, and some parasitic fly larvae developing in spider egg bag, mosquito head almost all horsefly insect larvae to form a parasitic spider body. Spiders used a variety of methods to resist the enemy, such as discharge venom, concealment, camouflage, mimicry, camouflage, vibration and so on. When the escape, and their appendages were clamped when predators, simply cut off their own limbs to walk away, anyway, since the breaking of the walking legs will regenerate during molting.











Tuesday 7 January 2014

Introduction of our blog

This is our firs post of the awsome spider world blog, we get 4 members in our group.
Jiahao Lao 42999545
Xingjie Li 42894107
Ruibing Tan 42256763
Lin Chen 42926459

Our blog is basically talked about different types of spider. There are various types and kinds of spiders in the world. Spiders(class Arachnida) are eight-legged creatures belonging to a group( phylum) called Arthropooda that are different from insects (class Hexapoda) on several easy to see characteristics. They have no antennae, their eyes are like ours and not segmented, and they have four pairs of legs.
The background of this blog has the main colour of black in order to build up a wild life world that is amazing and full with challenging. And we would use most colour of the layout in darky colour, that what spider makes us feel.